Lex Studio Collective is a humble creative studio that offers website design and development to support creative entrepreneurs in embracing an extraordinary new stage in their business.




I believe that I serve best when I am intentional about prayerfully inviting God into each design, each project, & each collaboration. With this, I make it a personal commitment to pray for my clients and our work together.



I’ve found that when a collaborative mindset is at the heart of what I do, work becomes play. There’s nothing like the mutual giddiness when reaching finality in the design process. It’s SO fun to *swoon* together.


”Commit your works to the Lord and your plans will be established.” Prov. 16:3


You’d be surprised at the difference a supportive community can make on mental health when talking all things entrepreneurship. Here for you and always here for creatives supporting creatives.


When you genuinely care, it shows. I place great importance on taking care of what’s been placed in my hands and entrusted to my care. Design and care-taking, I truly don’t know one without the other!



Showcasing your unique brand of creative genius

Showcasing your unique brand of creative genius



My name is Alexis, I go by Lex on the web, I am lead web designer here at my studio. I’m passionate about helping creative entrepreneurs showcase their unique brand of creative genius.

Education and approach… While I’ve been a web designer in a professional context for over 5 years now, my educational background is in Journalism and Mass Communication. Outside of my technical skillset, I take a narrative-based approach in all my design work; I see web design as one of the most interactive mediums of storytelling for brands when executed properly. This is why it’s important that every site I design creates a pathway by which a story is told. I often feel a kinship with documentary makers in this way, gathering details to build into a greater sum of all parts… just instead of films, I make websites.

Telling stories and a love for serving creative entrepreneurs is why I started Lex Studio Collective—because each project I bring on is a creative collaboration at its core, and a chance for one type of creativity to lift up another.

Who I love to work with… Whether you’re an artist, a filmmaker, a designer, a media professional, or another kind of entrepreneur in a creative space— your business is your baby, your great work. You only want to work with someone who understands your world, someone who gets what you’re impassioned to do, and who is truly going to come alongside your business and care about its growth as you do.

Intimately knowing the creative service world and really loving what I do makes it my blessing to be able to serve fellow creatives in this way.

  • This is a long one because there are SO many reasons why I love working with entrepreneurs!

    I actually come from a family of small business owners, so you could say entrepreneurship is in my blood: my grandmother is a talented floral + landscape photographer, and my dad has owned a wedding emcee/DJ company for over 20 years, my mom built her career as an independent real estate agent in luxury commercial and residential markets. With this, the life of small business ownership—specifically creative entrepreneurs—feel very familiar and deeply personal to me.

    Fun fact, design isn’t my first business…
    My first business is in petcare. I started a dog walking business when I was 14 years old that is still up and running to this day. I truly love the relationships I’ve been able to form through my petcare families, they are some of the most precious connections I’ve been blessed to make. While I love petcare, after college, I definitely found myself drawn to the creative side of things: branding, website and marketing the biz, so I’ve since stepped back from being a full time care provider. That essentially makes me my first and longest design client (+ definitely the pickiest, haha!).

    Outside of my own businesses…
    I also have exclusively worked with and for small business owners. Most notably, one of my first college internships was with a small floral design team built from the roots up by a woman with a dream. My small role involved marketing as well as helping with hands-on installs for weddings and luxury spaces, but the experience left a big impact on me. The attention to detailed elegance and professionalism it taught me is something I’ve carried with me in how I serve my own clients to this day.

    With all this, I’m so grateful to get to learn from so many creative entrepreneurs. This is why I now dedicate my craft to serving this dynamic and diverse community of creative geniuses.

  • These days I'm either petting dogs that aren't mine, listening to an audiobook (or three), half marathon training, or creating Spotify playlists for my runs and projects.

    Admittedly, I'm always collecting things that inspire me in some way; I think this is a lifestyle every creative understands… like a well to draw from both personally and professionally.

    A lot of my clients come to me with insight into their style/vibe which I love. Sometimes all we need is a fellow creative to look at our collection of inspiration through a fresh lens. And together we can translate this vision into a story that’s waiting to be told.

  • When I’m hanging out with family, friends, church community and fellow creatives. I’m pretty lucky to be surrounded by God-loving people with really cool style and perspectives on the world.

  • Love photography; one of my favorite low-tech creative escapes is semi-candid pet photography.

    I spend a lot of time between the PNW and San Diego and find no matter where I go, there’s never a lack of four-legged friends.

    Nature is also a pretty important part of my day-to-day, which I feel is like tapping into creativity in the purest form.

Okay, enough about me…